Neermala Pilly

Gras a Beautiful Localhands, monn aprann bokou lor kreasion prodwi artizana. Mo’nn devlop talan koutiryer ki mo ti ena ek aprann kree bann prodwi ki adapte ar marse lokal ek touristik.
Beautiful Localhands has taught me a great deal about handcrafted production. I developed my dressmaking skills and learned to create products for both the local and tourist markets.
Neermala has had an interest for sewing from a very young age. Several members of her family were professional dressmakers and she has always been exposed to the craft and developed a passion for it.
Neermala has had a penchant for sewing since she was young due to the early exposure to the craft – several members of her family were also in the trade. She learned basic sewing skills such as how to make curtains, decorations and embroidery from another dressmaker.
In 2008, she joined Beautiful Localhands to improve her sewing skills, learn new techniques and explore the possibility of developing her own small enterprise. She now has a workshop at home and makes clothes for her personal clientele and small souvenir items such as keyring lizards, which are available in souvenir shops.
Artisan Highlight
Telephone number: 59087104
Product category: Textile
Region: Poudre D’or Hamlet
Place of work: Home